Are there any forces that we could define as “negative”? How often do we deal with them? Can we recognize them?
Many people, in one way or another, are convinced that there may be influences of an unknown nature that can influence our lives beyond material effects. These people are right. However, often, to defend themselves from those influences, they go in search of miraculous and immediate solutions that are only illusory, while they could, more effectively, try paths that are perhaps a little more demanding, but also much more effective.
When thinking about external, non-material influences, the first thing to remember is that the most powerful shield against any negative influence is what we could call our personal power. It is innate in everyone, although it is not equally strong in everyone, and is activated through the mind. Our minds are the center of all positive or negative actions. This concept is analogous to the one Eastern monks apply when learning to control their qi.
Any protective object, any crystal or ritual, simply serves to focus, enhance, direct our personal power, but not to create effects out of nothing. Consequently, both in this and in all other cases, it is always decisive how consciously and how strongly we use our crystals or other tools (such as amulets or talismans).
As I often repeat, crystals (but also amulets, rituals, etc.) are simply tools! They are like a hammer in the hands of a carpenter who has to drive ten nails into a walnut board. The hammer is precious, often even indispensable and decisive (if you don’t believe it, try driving the ten nails using only your hands), but it has no effect and can even be harmful if the carpenter doesn’t use it (competently enough).
What chance do we have of realizing that a negative influence is at work? What chance do we have of pinpointing who or what is triggering it?
I have been interested in this problem for a very long time, since, as I sometimes tell, even before starting to be interested in crystals,
I had the strange experience of being considered the “witch of the village” (or rather “the sorcerer”) in a small town in Abruzzo. As such, I had received from a very young age the initiation from the elderly lady who had preceded me, to learn the ritual to remove the evil eye.
In the course of my life I have often wondered if the evil eye really exists or if at least there is something similar, which over time has been given different names. In the end I came to the conclusion that certain negative influences, a kind of “negativity fields” that bring with them discomfort, diseases, states of difficulty, misfortunes and more, really exist in our lives. In this context I will not delve into their nature, but I will limit myself to stating that these chains, these phases of negativity can really affect us. It doesn’t matter whether we give the (rather naive) name of the evil eye to the negative influences or whether we call them with more modern names: what matters are the effects.
The presence of negative influences is not easy to recognize (although sometimes one would say the opposite), because it is superimposed on our human errors.
Take, for example, the case of a woman who at the age of twenty marries the man she loves. The man is charming, but he is a crook and has connections with the underworld. After a year a son is born, after another six years the man is arrested following a spy.
When the man is arrested, his wife loses her job (her employer does not want to have a convict’s wife as an employee). The son, who is 6 years old, is mocked and bullied at school, reacts, fights, falls, hits his head and loses the use of speech. The woman begins to suffer from increasingly strong migraines that torment her and prevent her from being effectively next to her son. Eventually the woman commits suicide.
Could this sequence of misfortunes be the result of a negative influence? And if so, when could it have occurred? No doubt this is a remarkable sequence of close negative events. However, they are all consequences of a single and well-identified cause: namely the fact that the woman’s husband was a criminal. The choice to marry a delinquent had been a human error and not the result of a negative influence. So that the whole sequence of events is, in fact, simply the dramatic fruit of a human error. If it is not always easy to recognize the effects of a negative flow, sometimes it is less difficult to trace the people who originated them and, in this, crystals, certain rituals and certain amulets can help us
Before dealing with this topic, I want to underline how trying to attribute a negative flow to a specific person can be the cause of our serious mistakes, can compromise our ability to manage life and events according to the way of the Spirit and, in itself, intrinsically constitutes a step backwards from that path.
In fact, the path of the Spirit would require us to be able to develop our power, our awareness and also our ability to understand the pettiness of others, to the point of making negative influences intrinsically ineffective. But this is a complex path and, even if we have to walk it, we cannot always expect ourselves to have already reached perfection.
The flows of negativity arise from strong emotions and feelings of opposition, from the will to conflict, to damage or to destroy. By this I mean that a generic negative feeling, for example an antipathy, is not enough if it is not accompanied by a true desire to do harm.
This desire is not common and the people who experience it tend to be the same all the time. In other words, a normal person may experience many dislikes or lacks of harmony, but these, normally, will not translate into the pleasure of causing harm to the other.
If you quarrel over a condominium or work issue, you will normally be able to feel anger, a sense of injustice, a desire to assert yourself, but if the other person breaks his leg when leaving the house, it will be indifferent to you, at least if it does not give you any advantage. For some people, however, this is not the case and they will feel a sense of contentment and satisfaction in the knowledge that you have hurt yourself. Those types of people are the ones who can create flows of negativity and, basically, they are always the same people because that way of thinking corresponds to their inner nature.
Some crystals, used with common sense, can help you recognize people of that type. In this article, I mention some of them:
- nuummite
- richterite (dianite)
- arfvedsonite
- obsidian
- moonstone
It is a very powerful stone, but also very difficult to use. The user must have great balance, awareness and emotional stability. Without this, nuummite can produce restlessness, rejection, emotional turmoil, lapses in judgment, and instability.
It helps to look “in” and behind the screens. Both within ourselves and within others. This stone produces sensations and awareness, but the interpretation depends on your stability in the same way that a formula 1 car produces great accelerations, but easily goes off the road if driven by an inappropriate person.
Dianite is a rock and therefore has a variable composition. Inside, the mineral that produces the described effects is richterite.
It produces a deeper and more lucid vision, but with a certain detachment. It is particularly suitable for dampening the emotional peaks that could derive from observing the malicious attitudes in others. On the other hand, its ability to help us see and understand is not specifically oriented towards the world of the occult, but is generic and far-reaching.
It is a mineral with a clear contemplative inclination. It facilitates the vision and understanding of what is hidden, of what is false or contradictory and of complex schemes, but pushes us to consider all evidence in a logic of relativity in which there are no absolutes. Also increases sensitivity to the supernatural.
Obsidian is a very useful stone. It favors a deep and detached knowledge.
It helps to understand what is hidden and what comes from the world of the Spirit. However it is also a stone that creates discomfort in some people and reduces the ability to socialize and life with others. In other words,
it can be considered the stone of the wizard who lives in his tower away from the world. It also has good protective ability.
Moonstone is the stone of silence and balance.
It is a strongly mental stone. Strengthens the ability to understand the hidden and occult forces. In this it resembles obsidian, but it deviates from it because it does not lead to detachment, but rather to patient empathy.

(photograph by G. Penko)
Usually this stone is pleasant to use for everyone and does not create discomfort or difficulty.
Some crystals are useful for reducing or canceling negative influences. The main ones are:
- nephrite
- pink chalcedony
- stilbite
- prehnite
- arfvedsonite
- obsidian
Protects, shields, and insulates from the non-material sphere.
It is an ideal stone for the purpose of protection, in fact it not only shields effectively from negative influences, but at the same time produces calm, patience, emotional security and acceptance of others.
Stilbite, like nephrite is an excellent protective stone. In addition to providing an excellent level of protection, it reduces anxiety and makes us calm in the face of difficulties and the elements that act against us.
Prehnite is one of my favorite stones. I would also use it in salads if it weren’t that you don’t chew easily.
It has a good protective power and together it facilitates the overcoming of fears and traumas.
It has the advantage of defending against negativity while also helping to identify its origins.
Just like arfvedsonite, combines protective ability with the enhancement of the ability to see and understand the origin of negative influences.
All the stones I have mentioned, to be used fully, require the application of appropriate rituals with a certain diligence. As always, it is not the stones themselves that require this, but rather it is our ability to use them effectively that needs to be strengthened. But this topic will be covered later in a video.
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